"Covid-19? Waiting in death row"
"Covid-19 for terminal cancer patients it is like doing time in jail and waiting for the executioner".
Published in: Migdalor, Pardes Hana. Written by: Itay Tetro. Date: 12/3/21
"Near death experience is a very complex subject in my life at a moment. I say thank you every morning I wake up and still alive and kicking" * This type of cancer got Roee off guard, while he is full of inspiration and released new recordings and paintings * "every MRI check it is just anxiety wraped with noise inside your ears. To a part time musician like me noise is too difficult".
Roee Lavan, 40 years old, married to "marvelous" Anat, a father to Avishai (7) and Adva (3). The Lavan family got to Harish a moment before the school break ends (08/20). Roee paints portraits, landscapes, and still life each time in a different technic (oil on canvas/wood).
For the full article on Hebrew click here.
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